Fences provide excellent benefits to homeowners, and it is understandable to want to have one all-year-round. But can you install a fence in the winter months? Does the weather affect the installation process? Is it possible at all? In this post, we’ve got the answers to all your fence installation questions, straight from industry experts.
Firstly, YES, you can install a fence in the winter months! In fact, winter can be a great time to get a fence installed. Most fence companies operate throughout the year, and they know how to install fences even during the coldest months. There are only a few factors to consider when installing a fence in the winter. For instance, the frozen ground may make digging challenging. However, experienced fence installers have the right equipment and techniques, like thawing the ground, to overcome these challenges.
Best Time For Pricing
Secondly, installing a fence in the winter may also work to your advantage. This season is usually a slow time for fence installers, meaning you may get your installation done faster. Also, the prices may be lower due to low demands, which could translate into huge savings for you.
Type of Fence Can Matter
Thirdly, it is essential to keep in mind that specific types of fences are better installed in warmer climates. Vinyl fences, for instance, are susceptible to cracking in freezing temperatures, making it more challenging to install them in very cold weather. However, experienced fence installers always take weather conditions into account when choosing material types. They’ll advise you on which fence options are ideal for your climate.
Winterize Your Fence
Fourthly, it is crucial to prepare your yard for fence installation during the winter months. Since snow may cover the ground, you’ll need to clear the area where you want to install the fence. Remove any snow or debris from the installation site so that the fence installers can begin their work right away.
Consider The Weather
Finally, when installing a fence in the winter, adjusting your expectations is crucial. Inclement weather and shorter days could mean that the fence installation will take longer than usual. Patience is key, and letting your contractor know any concerns that you might have will go a long way to put your mind to rest.
Get Your Fence Installed
In summary, if you’re thinking about installing a fence in winter, don’t hesitate! Yes, the process may present a few challenges, but an experienced contractor knows how to overcome them. Moreover, installing a fence in the winter may save you time and money. Clear your installation site, adjust your expectations, and make sure to communicate with your contractor about any concerns you might have. If you do all these, you’ll have a brand new fence even in the coldest months of the year!
Right Fence Company is installing high quality fences year round. We don’t let the rain, cold or sleet stop us! As the top rated Texas Fence Company, Right Fence will make sure to get your fence installed no matter what season it is. Call us for a free quote on your next fence project.